Precipice: Changing the Course of the Extinction Crisis in BC

For close to a year I’ve been working as the curator on behalf of CPAWS BC (The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society of BC) to create an environmental themed exhibition. This project and all of its details have been running through my brain for months, and I can hardly wait to see it all come together when we install on September 14th.

Presented by CPAWS BC, Precipice: Changing the course of the extinction crisis in BC.

Featuring works by Cherry Archer, Clare Wilkening, Nell Burns, Adea Chung, Jessie Recalma, Grace Lee, & Sarah Ronald, and curated by Rachael Ashe.

Precipice is an art exhibition that tells stories of biodiversity loss and hope in British Columbia. Working in mixed mediums, seven BC-based artists will compel you to mourn, understand and ultimately protect the lands and waters of Canada’s most biodiverse province.

For more information visit the exhibition website to learn more about all of the talks, workshops, and special events during the run of the show.

Precipice: Changing the course of the extinction crisis in BC.
Dates: September 15-23, 2023
Opening reception: September 15th, 6-9pm (Tickets)
Location: Alternatives Gallery & Studio
Address: 1659 Venables Street, Vancouver BC


Spooky Postcard Show


Á la Carte at Atelier 8.18